Much ado has been made lately about Microsoft extending the warranty on the XBox 360 due to the apparent ludicrous volume of “3 Red Light” problems. What happens when you have a problem that isn’t the famous “3 Red Lights of Death”? You can expect to wait up to two months for your console to be repaired, or not. From Stage Select:
“The whole call was a complete mess. I waited on hold for over 2 hours before I was helped. The lady that finally answered took the action of canceling my first support ticket. She told me that I could still use the box that I had, but that I needed to call back to get my problem solved. Apparently, their computer system won’t let them work on two tickets during one call. I spent another hour on hold before being connected to another representative, who told me that unlike EVERY OTHER 360 ON THE PLANET, I had to pay a hundred bucks to get my sh*tbox repaired. Fine, fine, just fix the damn thing. Then he says the darnedest thing:
“Once we receive the unit, it’ll be four to six weeks before it is repaired, then it will be sent back to you.”
Wait, what? The last guy that I talked to, only a week prior, said that it’d be ONE week. So, I asked to talk to a supervisor to confirm the information, and he did just that. Worse, there is no order of priority on any of the repairs, so even if you have the privilege of paying for service like I do, you don’t get taken care of any sooner. Further, even if you’ve already been quoted a repair time, this information is likely erroneous, as was the case for me.”
One week to ship each way and 4-6 weeks for the repair job may be standard, but it’s hardly stellar. Hit the link for the full story. Though I sincerely hope that Chris gets his 360 back in a timely manner, but I’d expect that’s not particularly likely.
Link! (Stage Select)