Bass Commando's Awesome Web Thingy
Here is the rarely updated, page of frivolity. Enjoy!
The list of games I own has been updated. Check it out in the sound room.
Bass Commando's Really cool game music room.
Bass Commando's Really Cool and Ever Popular Wrestling Moves List!
The world renowned Bass Commando's Bookmarks (Might be organized someday)
Bass Commando's hand picked links (well actually more or less plugs for my friends' pages).
Nightshade, quite possibly the coolest game ever made for the NES. Not much here yet, but more to come!
people have ever seen this page.
Send Bass Commando some
Page updated 2/4/01
This page is Lynx friendly!
Other time-wasters on this site:
Music Room | Nightshade | Wrestling moves list | Where I work | My games