Entry 200

AsylumLAN is having their three-year three day anniversary party starting tomorrow evening, and crummysocks.com will be there organizing a 5 game cross-genre Super Nintendo competition. I’ve made a special trophy to award to the winner.

It all started with generic trophy with a Camaro on top (I got a deal on it because someone else had ordered it from here and never picked it up) and an ASCII Pad that I found at the local goodwill for $0.25. I took the controler apart and painted the shell gold. I decided to leave the buttons their original colors, mostly because the sliders for turbo and autofire are color coded, and I painted over the labels (I actually did that on purpose).

Now, since the controller still works, I wanted the winner to be able to easily take it off and put it on the base. As cool as it might look, it’s a little difficult to play Super Nintendo games for any length of time when it has a two pound weight on it. Since I couldn’t find Velcro in this city for some reason, I opted to use some craft magnets to attach the two pieces of the unit together.

And there you have it! It’s a fairly straighforward project, but the end result actually turned out better than I thought it would.