Competitive Gaming’s poster child headlines E for All

Typically, every time I see an article about Johnathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel, I blow right by it. It’s not that I don’t respect the fact that he’s made a living playing games competitively. Nor is it that I can’t appreciate that he’s put his name on some ridiculously overpriced signature gaming peripherals. It’s not even because he puts that silly ‘1’ into his name, though I usually like to pronounce it as a ‘1’ other than a ‘i’, “Fatal-one-ty”.

No, I typically don’t read articles about him because while so much press has been given to him letting me know that he’s the ‘most best game competitive game player ever’, I don’t remember hearing about any other professional gamers. This either means that they aren’t press-friendly or that they’re not consistently skilled enough to be in the upper echelon of game players. Reading about professional gamers is great and all, but from all the press I read, there’s Mr. Wendel, and dozens of his faceless opponents. Lame.

That being said, it seems that Mr. Wendel is going to presenting a keynote speech called “Competitive Gaming – From Basement to Big Time.” Though how he’s going to find time to write a keynote between pwning n00bs, cutting endorsement deals, and going on a national tour.

Link! (Kotaku)